Important dates for the 2021/22 season:

Registration for MMH : Aug 1-31, 2021MMH
Draft night : Sept 8, 2021
September 13th , 2021 : MMH start

No MMH games :
October 11 , 2021 (Thanksgiving)
Dec 20 & 27, 2021 (Xmas)
Feb 21, 2022 (Family Day)

Dec 2 & 3 , 2021 : Christmas Tournament
March 4, 2022: King of the Rink 4 vs 4 Tournament
April 4, 2022 Gump Cup
IAFF Tourney 2022 : TBA

VFDHC events & leagues are open to all Local 18 & VFRS active & retired members in good standing.

See you at the draft!

Time to Return Jerseys

For all MMH Players, please connect with your manager to return your team jersey & socks. Remember, the plain white one is yours to keep.

  • Wash in cold water , NO BLEACH, and HANG DRY
  • Deadline is June 14. Those who are late may be subject to a $150 invoice as per the registration agreement.

If you have any questions, please reach out to any exec member.

Thank you and hopefully see you for the 2021/22 season!

MMH 2020/21 Schedule & Planet Ice Delta Arena Policy

Please see attached MMH 2020/21 schedule for Sept 14-Dec 14

***IMPORTANT*** All players need to carefully read & review the Planet Ice Delta Re-Opening Plan for Phase 5.

Your manager will also be reviewing these policies with you.  

Again, we can’t stress this enough that we must follow the rules. Any one person or team violating their policy may face a 30-day ban from the facility. Don’t be the guy to get our contract cancelled!

Please contact the executive board with any questions.


Thanks to all who attended the Annual VFDHC Hockey draft. It was a great evening filled with food, fun, refreshments and a record setting evening of trades!

Your manager should be contacting you shortly. Please be sure to communicate your attendance to games quickly. Team rosters posted below. Best resolution is to open in a new tab:

2020/21 Rosters


Registration for MMH 2020/21 is now open to all active and retired members of VFRS & Local 18!

Deadline is Sept 7. Please note we only have limited spots this year, so be sure to register early. Don’t risk missing out!!

We are always updating our FB page with the latest information. Click here to join:


Be sure to reach out to the executive members if you have any questions or need assistance registering. You can find exec list under “Contact Us”

See you at the rink soon!


Hello Club Members

You’re exec has laid out tentative dates for the 2020/21 MMH season. Be advised, these could be subject to change:

Registration : August 16 – Sept 7, 2020
Player Fee $300
Goalie $100
Spare goalie $50
Registration after Sept 7 Player Fee $350
Draft : Sept 9, 2020

Season Start : Sept 14, 2020
Xmas Tournament : TBA
‪No Hockey Dec 21st & 28th (Xmas Break)
‪No hockey Feb 15, 2021 (Family Day)
‪King of the Rink 4 vs 4 : TBA
‪No hockey March 8th (BC Fallen FF‬)
‪No hockey Apr 5th (Easter‬)
Gump Cup : TBA

Be sure to join our FB page for up to date club info & events
